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31,000SF space for Lease Savannah, Ga.
Date: 2/5/2017 7:59:35 AM
From: Lisa Dusen
2164 East Victory Drive, Savannah Georgia 31404. 31,000 SF anchor space with 11,000 SF on the second floor and 20,000 SF on the first floor, Will remove part or all of second floor for suitable tenant. Front and/or rear access for customers. Busy intersection close to the Truman Parkway. Central location on road to beach, the islands and close to many intown neighborhoods. Starbucks drive through outparcel and Bi-lo grocery are anchors. Shopping center 106,000 SF on Historic byway- Victory Drive. High traffic counts..
Property listed on Loopnet for more information.
If interested contact Lisa Van Dusen, lvanduse@gmail.com. Mobile 202 415-9217.