The Law
- Slippery Oranges (12/12/2024)
On December 31st, 2017, Grace Gonzalez along with her two granddaughters were visiting the Ontario Mills Shopping Center. While they were in front of a Converse store, Gonzalez, the plaintiff, slipped and fell on what appeared to be oranges. At the time of the fall . . .
- Unfairly Doubled Their Chances (11/28/2024)
High Maine LLC filed a complaint against the Town of Kittery, alleging that the town violated its zoning laws by allowing GTF Kittery 8 LLC, a competitor, to submit two pre‑applications for separate spaces in the same C‑2 zone, which were later merged. The company alleges that this caused particularized injury.
- Beer Spill Slip (11/21/2024)
On April 13th, 2019, at the TD Garden in Boston Massachusetts, Alexander Raheb slipped and fell after purchasing a hotdog and beer (without a lid) at a concession stand while heading to his seat with his friend, Fahim Manzur. Raheb sued Delaware North, claiming negligence under the special mode‑of‑operation notice theory.
- Shopping Center Landlord Awarded New Trial (8/29/2024)
Two companies that rent space in a mall owned by PHWLV sued the landlord for negligence in maintaining the fire‑suppression system after a pipe burst on July 8th 2017. Pre‑trial, the Eighth Judicial District Court in Clark County granted partial summary judgment in favor of the retailers. Due to the partial summary judgment, the jury trial focused solely on the extent of damages . . .
- No COVID rent refund due (8/8/2024)
In April 2021, Fitness International LLC filed a complaint against City Center Ventures LLC in Hennepin County District Court. Fitness sued City Center in order to recover rent paid during the mandatory closure periods of non‑essential businesses to slow the spread of Covid. The main argument Fitness put forward was the frustration of purpose excuses its obligation to pay rent during . . .
- Sidewalk precedent set in New Jersey (7/18/2024)
What responsibilities do we have to keep sidewalks cleared and in good repair? In New Jersey, it depended on the use of the property, and whether the property did, does or could generate money . . .
- Sell me your shopping center! (6/13/2024)
After an oral agreement to sell a property, followed up with months of negotiations and paperwork, does the buyer have the right to purchase . . .