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Alert Provides Key Insights to See Where You’re Staying Ahead – and Falling Behind
From The Buxton Co

When you have significant changes within your market, you need to know as soon as possible. That’s why we invented Alert – a marketing team’s new best friend. Each month we’ll alert you to the most important changes at each of your significant locations. We’re staying on top of all the changes around you so you can focus on winning market share and staying ahead of your competition.

Top Locations that Need Your Attention
Alert is key to prioritizing your marketing efforts and making the biggest impact where it matters most. We rate each of your locations on a number of factors, alerting you to the stores that need your attention – now. If we’ve identified more than 10 stores that need attention, you can download a comprehensive Excel report that indicates how each of your stores could use some extra help, and what you can do to improve marketing efforts.

The stores that need critical assistance are identified by four key traits and they can possess all four flags or only one:

  • Customers Changing – This flag indicates a significant change in visits from your top customer segments.
  • Hot Zones – Each market is unique. The hot zone flag is indicative of increased activity and observed retail location openings nearby.
  • Competition – This flag means you need to ramp up your marketing efforts, and fast. The competition flag indicates that a high percentage of your customers are being stolen by nearby competitors.
  • Underperforming – To receive this flag, your store is performing poorly in an otherwise active market.
Changing Customer Base
Customers are dynamic. Their behaviors and preferences are key to understanding who they are and how to best target them. Buxton’s analytics portfolio expounds on foot traffic data to explain who your customers are, providing key insight into how you can market to them to ensure they keep them coming back.

Hot Zones
Buxton taps into our comprehensive data platform to identify exactly which of your stores are in quickly emerging markets. This insight is key to prioritize marketing spend and resources. With Alert, we'll keep you informed on the areas with increased interest and observed retail location openings – which may indicate increasing competition.

Locations with Significant Competitive Pressures
You need to know exactly who is taking your key customers – and how to win them back. Our localized market analysis is key to winning back your customers and regaining lost market share. We provide unique marketing recommendations to target the customers who signaled interest in your competitors. We’ll also indicate just how fierce the competition is and what it will take to win your customers back.

For retailers, identifying underperforming stores in an otherwise lucrative market is crucial to saving time, resources and money. With Alert, we’ll let you know how many of your stores are losing market share and provide context into what other factors may be playing into that loss, whether its competitive pressures or a changing customer base.

Your Exemplary Stores
Your best stores deserve some recognition, and they can be valuable teaching tools. We’ll highlight your top stores and what steps you can take to keep these customers. In addition to identifying your top performers, we’ll provide some context into just how successful they are by awarding a “Winning By” percentage that reflects the difference between the change in traffic ranking for your locations and the average change in ranking for nearby competitor locations. Use these stores as an example and keep up the positive momentum.

Localized Marketing Plans
One size does not fit all when it comes to marketing strategies. Alert enables you to create localized marketing plans with precision. By combining location‑specific recommendations and insights, Alert helps you understand the unique characteristics of each trade area, and where you can gain market share. Armed with this knowledge, you can craft compelling campaigns that resonate with your target audience, resulting in increased brand awareness, customer engagement, and ultimately, sales growth. Local marketing plans are key to continuing positive momentum and stopping any potential customer leakage.

Buxton is the leading customer analytics firm that helps organizations identify who their customers are, where those customers are located, and the value those customers have to the organization.

2651 South Polaris Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76137


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