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The Power of Customer Data for Targeted Marketing
From The Buxton Co

As a marketing professional, you are the expert on your customer. To target them, you need to understand them at a granular level, identifying exactly what makes them tick (and more importantly, what makes them purchase). Data is the key to answering the most important question for all marketers:Why?

    Why are your customers buying from your competitors? Why do they prefer to be targeted in a certain way? Why do they trust your advertising? Or why not?
Comprehensive data provides insight into the why behind all your customer’s purchase decisions. With the right intel, you can transform potential customers into lifelong brand advocates.

The Data
Data is the Rosetta Stone that allows you to speak your customer's language. Buxton’s data portfolio is comprised of deeply intuitive customer data. We uncover customer insight into their buying behaviors and lifestyle attributes.

For instance, a fast‑food restaurant chain may be interested in expanding their operations to a specific metroplex. Buxton identifies where their target audience works, shops and spends their time. We can then show you how many of those consumers are interested in a particular food category and the frequency that they will dine outside of their homes each week using deidentified customer behavioral data.

These preferences are essential components of your consumer’s personality, and the foundation upon which they make their decisions.

Once you understand your customer, you can begin to speak to them.

How to Target Your Ideal Customer

    Do your customers like to order goods online and pick them up in the store? Or do they prefer a hands‑on shopping experience? How do they make their purchase decisions? Do they value the advice of your employees? Or prefer to perform research on their own? How can you target them both inside and outside of your store?
All of these questions can be answered with data.

Your personality is composed of so much more than your age group or gender identity. Similarly, your customers are so much more than their demographics.

When you view your ideal customer as a person rather than a consumer, you can see their unique attributes and influences. To visualize them as a person, you must understand them on a personal level.

Buxton’s data helps paint a full picture of your customer by identifying their unique likes and dislikes, the social media platforms they prefer and the type of activities they typically perform.

With consumer behavior data, we can identify exactly where your customers prefere to shop. We know how much time they will spend at both your store and your competitors’ stores. We also help you identify the best cotenants for your business and show you where they are building their presence. Buxton provides unique insight into the personality traits and buying behaviors of your customers to understand the driving factors behind their purchase decisions.

Buxton is the leading customer analytics firm that helps organizations identify who their customers are, where those customers are located, and the value those customers have to the organization.

2651 South Polaris Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76137


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